Elan Donnellan, Ph.D. T32 research postdoctoral fellow
Elan Donnellan, Ph.D., joined the Developing Brain Institute (DBI) in May 2024 as a T32 Research Postdoctoral Fellow. The focus of Elan’s research is the connection between early adversity and autonomic activity with respect to maternal health disparities and neonatal development. She completed her Ph.D. in neuropsychology at Howard University with a minor in statistics. Elan’s dissertation explored the relationship between helplessness and self-efficacy on cardiac autonomic balance and regulation.

Address: 111 Michigan Ave. NW; Washington, D.C., 20010
Email: [email protected]
Department: MRI Lab
Recent Presentations
2025 | April
Donnellan E, et al. “Is Heart Rate Variability Trajectory Associated With Differences in Neurobehavior Among Preterm Infants?” Poster presentation. Children’s National Hospital 15th Annual Research, Education and Innovation Week. Washington, D.C. March-April 2025.
Donnellan EL, Herrera-Taylor A, Harrell JP, Wilson K, Campbell A, Calendar C. Comparing responses in autonomic activity and the perceived stress scale across genders. American Psychosomatic Society 2023 Conference. San Juan, Puerto Rico. March 2023.
2022 | April
Donnellan EL, Herrera-Taylor A, Foster M, Isaac K, Wright N, Harrell JP. Predicting mean arterial pressure in young African Americans’ cardiac reactivity to reaction time and racist imagery tasks. Poster presentation. Society of Behavioral Medicine 43rd Annual Meeting and Scientific Sessions. Baltimore, MD. April 2022.
Wilson K, Herrera-Taylor A, Donnellan EL, Campbell A, Harrell JP. Cultural orientation and health perceptions of African American men and women. Poster presentation. Howard University Research Month. Washington, D.C. April 2022.
Patterson A, Donnellan EL, Isaac K, Foster M, Harrell JP. Cardiac sympathetic indices for measuring autonomic balance: Choosing between systolic time intervals. Poster presentation. Society for Psychophysiological Research Annual Meeting. Vancouver, British Columbia. April 2022.
Harrell JP, Donnellan EL, Herrera-Taylor A, Foster M, Isaac K, Patterson A. Cardiac pre-ejection period reactivity and blood pressure regulation in African American college students. Poster presentation. Society for Psychophysiological Research Annual Meeting. Vancouver, British Columbia. April 2022.
2022 | March
Harrell JP, Herrera-Taylor A, Donnellan EL, Campbell A, Calendar C. Social status and health perceptions among African American adults. Poster presentation. Eastern Psychological Association 2022. New York, NY. March 2022.