Pregnancy Can Be a Very Stressful Time. We’re Here To Help!
Project RESCUE stands for Reducing Elevated Stress from COVID-19 Exposure, and most of the study interventions can be done from the comfort of your home. In this research study, our team will leverage its mastery of sophisticated magnetic resonance imaging studies to identify the risks of COVID-19-related maternal psychological distress changing how your baby’s brain develops during pregnancy and after birth. This important study aims to answer many pressing questions. With your help, we’ll conduct multiple MR imaging studies. We’ll perform clinical, genetic, environmental, physiological, behavioral, and neuropsychiatric evaluations starting during pregnancy and continuing through the time your child is a preschooler. Because your health and your infant’s well-being are our No. 1 priority, we are working with community partners to weave a comprehensive safety net that strengthens maternal mental health, boosts parental resiliency, and enriches infants’ early environment to offset harms experienced in the womb.
Contact Us to Join our RESCUE Study
2021 Pre-Summit Discussion: Combatting COVID 19 Stress
Heightened anxiety, stress, and depression during pregnancy can pose risks to unborn fetuses, a public health dilemma that was exacerbated by the pandemic. Tune in to today’s pre-summit discussion to hear more about the Developing Brain Institute at Children’s National Hospital and tools for stress management at a time when those tools are needed the most.

When Project RESCUE: Reducing Elevated Stress from COVID-19 Exposure is complete, our team will know the unique impact of multiple stressors on pregnant women giving birth during the COVID-19 pandemic and their offspring. And we’ll know whether earlier, targeted stress-reduction interventions help to reduce those negative impacts.

Study participants will have no health risk factors outside of living/being pregnant during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Pregnant women of all races and ethnic backgrounds who are older than 18 years with a singleton pregnancy of 8 weeks gestation or greater. Study participants will have no health risk factors outside of living/being pregnant during the COVID-19 pandemic.