Jillian DiMonda, B.S. Research Technician III

Jillian DiMonda, B.S., joined the Developing Brain Institute (DBI) in September 2024 as a Research Technician III. Jillian graduated from the University of Miami in Florida with a B.S. in Neuroscience as well as completing a minor in Chemistry, and departmental honors in psychology through her senior honors thesis. During her undergraduate studies, she was a research assistant at the Bridging Research on Anxiety, Innovations, and Neuroscience (BRAIN) Group, where she had hands-on research experience working on four projects. In her second year with the BRAIN Group, Jillian completed her thesis, “How Do Heart Beats Vary?: Anxiety and

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Physiological Markers of Threat Conditioning.” The project analyzed previously collected data for correlation between heart rate variability and anxiety as seen through a threat-conditioning paradigm. The paper highlighted the role that anxiety may play in identifying threats and adaptation flexibility.

Eventually, Jillian plans to further her neuroscience education through a Ph.D. program. She is excited to gain experience and perspective through her time at DBI, during which she will assist in acquisition and post-processing of magnetic resonance imaging data.

Address: 111 Michigan Ave. NW; Washington, D.C., 20010
Email: [email protected]
Department: MRI Lab