Systems of inequity: how institutional racism and implicit biases sustain health disparities in Black women

TyKera (Kera) Marrow, DPhil

August 14, 2024

TyKera Marrow_no background_370x450
TyKera Marrow_no background_370x450

Systems of inequity: how institutional racism and implicit biases sustain health disparities in Black women

TyKera (Kera) Marrow, DPhil

August 14, 2024

Upcoming Events on Perinatal Care and Mental Health

New Project (2)

Utilizing policy and advocacy to improve perinatal mental health outcomes: opportunities, challenges and leveraging front-line expertise

September 11, 2024
Speaker: Sarah Hoffman

Written exposure therapy - principles and practice

October 9, 2024
Speaker: Denise M. Sloan, Ph.D.